Moncley Castle

Moncley is one of the masterpieces of neoclassical architecture in France. Built from 1778 to 1790 to the plans of the architect Alexandre Bertrand, disciple of Claude Nicolas Ledoux, the castle was built for the Marquis François Terrier de Santans, president of the Parliament of Besançon. Having remained in the same family since its construction, the castle with its outbuildings has been classified as a historic monument since January 13, 1944.

Outside, on the courtyard side, the astonishing concave facade is decorated with four columns evoking a Greek temple. On the garden side, there is a rotunda topped with a dome, similar to that of the Besançon prefecture. The interior is just as elegant with its balustraded gallery, supported by twelve columns with Corinthian capitals and which is accessed by a majestic double revolution staircase. The castle preserves a remarkable collection of wallpaper installed from 1785 to 1787, numerous pieces of furniture and paintings from the period…

Infos pratiques

  • Moncley Castle
    25170 Moncley
  •   Visite guidée toute l'année sur demande et inscription obligatoire à l'Office de tourisme de Besançon au +33 (0)3 81 80 92 55 Durée de la visite 2h. RV devant la rotonde du château à 15h