Sermange Castle

In 1717, Charles François Bouhelier, advisor to Parliament and attorney general in the chamber and court of Franche-Comté, built a country residence on his lordship between Gendrey and Sermange. In 1762, François Langlois, advisor to the king at the chamber of accounts of Dole, acquired the property and it is believed that he could attribute the Chapel to him and also the porch due to the Dole architect Attiret. In 1772, Baron de Tricornot bought this residence and we undoubtedly owe the remarkable trees to his talents as a botanist. In 1902, the property was sold to Count Fresson who enlarged the main building with two wings in the same style and restored the chapel. At this time a vast English-style park was created to replace the vines affected by phylloxera.

Since 2008, the new owners have been renovating the estate and in particular the park according to the historical study. You will be able to discover the 18th century vegetable garden and a green room from the same period, numerous majestic trees including several Virginia tulip trees, a bicentennial Lebanese cedar, an Orientalis plane tree…

Infos pratiques

  • Sermange Castle
    1 rue de Gendrey
    39700 Sermange
  •   5 € (gratuite moins de 18 ans accompagnés)
    Les bénéfices sur le prix d’entrée sont investis en totalité dans la restauration des murs du parc et de la chapelle
  •   Visites guidées du parc
    du 1er juillet au 30 septembre, du lundi au jeudi
    sur rendez-vous. Groupes toute l'année sur demande